General terms and conditions for donations to ForTomorrow
To use the online donation pages of ForTomorrow gGmbH (“ForTomorrow”) the following points/conditions are important:
- Your donation to ForTomorrow is a completely voluntary contribution. ForTomorrow accepts your payment as a donation and will use the donation according to the ForTomorrow combination method to offset CO2 emissions. ForTomorrow does not sell you EU emission rights, but ForTomorrow uses EU emission rights and plants trees in Germany to compensate your CO2 emissions.
- If you wish, you will receive a donation receipt. We will send you this receipt as soon as possible after the donation or as an annual donation receipt by March 15 of the following year. Your address is important for this. For donations via our donation form, please select the desired receipt option.
- You can cancel your donation subscription at any time by sending an email to or a letter to:
ForTomorrow gGmbH
c/o betahaus GmbH
Rudi-Dutschke-Strasse 23
10969 Berlin - If you decide to send us your donation by direct debit, please make sure that the donation can be debited.
Bank account
It’s best to use our forms for your direct donations and climate subscriptions. Then you’ll automatically receive a donation confirmation. That way you can also request a donation receipt for tax deduction.
Beneficiary | ForTomorrow gGmbH |
IBAN | DE44 5003 1000 1078 5000 06 |
Bank | Triodos Bank |